Ilze Therapies Explained

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) & SOMA® Embodiment Therapy

The Somatic Experiencing® and SOMA® method is an embodiment technique for trauma- and other stress-related cases. It provides clinical resolve tools to a person who is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses. Clients are gently guided to develop resiliency and increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotions. o See

BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy (BWRT)

A very fast cognitive technique that helps clients deal with problems or traumatic memories by reprogramming their emotional or habitual responses, through the power of thought alone. This can be done content free, meaning that if the client is uncomfortable or unable to talk about their problems or challenges, they don’t have to. Clients create a different neural pathway response – in other words a different mental reaction – before they react to something. It can be effective in treating various challenges including an uncomfortable feeling, emotion or habit, an intense phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even addictive behaviour. o See

Eye Movement Integration® Therapy (EMI)

EMI uses guided eye movements to assist a client to access recorded information in all its multisensory, cognitive and emotional forms in order to integrate and resolve distressing experiences and their problematic psychological consequences. EMI rapidly helps the mind to heal itself using its own inner resources.

Integrated Learning Therapy®

A neurodevelopmental therapy approach that assists in learning and behaviour difficulties/disorders such as ADHD, Autism and Learning Disorders. o See

Expressive Arts Therapy®

Using various art forms e.g. music, theatre, poetry, dance etc. as therapeutic tools within psychotherapy to nurture deep psychological growth and transformation.


MAP Movement (Myofascial Activated Posture), is a rehabilitation tool to help you move more freely.

MAP Movement fills the gap between movement as we know it and movement as we want it to be. Let’s move out of defence into power and enable ourselves to move the way nature intended. So, the emphasis is on movement and not on manual therapy techniques. We focus on creating movement in the different fascial lines, breathing techniques to create movement and how it all interconnects. o See